How To Stop Gambling Now


To eliminate gambling from your life, you must learn about the issue and admit you have a gambling problem. The American Psychiatric Association identifies gambling as a mental health disorder similar to addictions triggered by alcohol and drugs. You might have a gambling disorder if you have. Keep learning new tricks and increase your How To Stop Gambling Now chances of winning on slot machines. This casino has a VIP program which features 40 tiers. At each tier, you will be able to claim a welcome How To Stop Gambling Now reward, which could be in the form of free spins or match bonuses.


I am a California State Licensed Clinical Psychologist. I graduated from UCLA and Northwestern University with a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. After (finally) graduated, I sought additional training specifically for gambling-related problems. For over 20 years I have been provided outpatient gambling addiction treatment as well as general psychotherapy in the Los Angeles area, as well as some long distance patients by telephone or skype.

Here you will find background information about problem gambling, the impact on those facing this issue, and their family/friends who are also impacted. If you are seeking information regarding my treatment of non-gambling related general psychological issues (e.g. anxiety, depression, relationships etc. please contact me by phone or email).

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In conjunction with the State of California's Office on Problem Gambling (within the Department of Public Health) which is administered by UCLA's Gambling Studies Program you can have 8 to 24 individual problem gambling treatment therapy sessions at no cost. Call 1-800-Gambler for information. Yep, completely free to anyone who can attend therapy in person, paid for by the Office on Problem Gambling and the State of California via a special fund from the Native American Tribes. This offer is open to anyone who has a California address and is also open to anyone who is involved in a close relationship with a person who is a compulsive gambler. The only requirement is that they have at least one symptom of a gambling disorder (see assessment tools for a complete list of the qualifying symptoms). Please use the Treatment information tab for more information on this special program. So people prefer to see me and not participate in the state-funded program and that can be done as well.

October 2018 update

At this time I am offering telephone and skype sessions but no longer am accepting new patients for in person-office based sessions. I still offer a lot of flexibility regarding appointment times, however these would have to be private payment and not eligable for the state program. I am not currently able to particpate in the free program but might resume in late 2019, it is not clear yet. To access the free California program please call 1-800-gambler. You can also connect with me for a personalize referral. Please see the treatment section for further information. Please call me directly at 310-446-3887 for a free intial phone call (allow about 20 minutes) to learn more about treatment services

Some thoughts on my work helping gamblers and their families:

Gambling problems are treatable. Most people can recover from it, although many will have to experience at least some cycles of relapse-recovery before they finally stop. Unfortunately, some patients do not recover, but most can and do. When I first started to do this work, I would ask patients 'do you want to stop or learn to control the gambling?' I learned the hard way that this was not the right approach and do not work this way anymore. But do not worry if you are not feeling like you want to stop or that you can, or are not ready, most people that see me can not imagine never gambling again so we will work hard to find gentle ways of making changes so that it is possible to be very happy without gambling.
I feel blessed to have found a line of work that I love. I enjoy my work and feel grateful every time a patient invites me into their lives. I look forward to hearing from you soon.I have
a wide range of understanding about psychological problems and can work with issues beyond the gambling problem once that is stabilized.

Thank you for stopping by I look forward to connecting personally with you so please do take that next step and contact me. I am available to speak with you on the phone if you would like to discuss your situation with me directly.
Eric Geffner, Ph.D., CCGC, NCGC
California State Licensed Clinical Psychologist, PSY15581
California Certified Compulsive Gambling Counselor, CCGC
Nationally Certified Problem Gambling Counselor, NCGC Supervisor for the State of California Gambling Treatment Program

Well i have struggled with gambling for about 12 years now.
dont even know where to start or what to say....
Started out with slots 12 years ago, it got worse and worse and worse.
used to be couple hundred off paychecks, then whole paychecks
then borrowing money to gamble

How Do I Stop Gambling Now

likely down somewhere around 35 to 40,000 dollars since then.
I won a couple times , 1000 here, couple hundred there, maybe another 1000 over there
put it all back and then more. you know how it goes the win sucks you in
then won 10,000 last year online slots...paid some debt off and oh boy that suckered me in big time
well now i got a visa maxed out at 10,000 and a mastercard at 6000 with 20% interest. lol Gambling
all on gambling, never mind the money off pay cheques ..
even when i win i never cash out and stop, even when big amounts like 5000 or 8000
i just up my bets and lose it all
like i always do... greedy want more i guess,
Not even all that crazy about money, like when i have it, i gambleHow to stop gambling online
when i dont have it i still gamble ... what the heck??
sometimes i think i am addicted to the losing not the winning...
i have a kid coming in one month. i have been laid off work,
i have ruined my life and hurt those around me and now my unborn child and my wife will have to
suffer too. I AM THE BIGGEST LOSER.. there is no way back...
i feel suicide the best, although i dont even have life insurance.
I always say i will stop... never do..
i dont get it.,. i dont understand it.. i want to stop... i really do... why cant iHow

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im not stupid, i used to shake my head at people like me wasting there money.,
WHY CANT I STOP. I am so weak of a person i guess..

How To Stop Gambling Forum

I HAVE TO JUST STOP no one will or can make me stop but me... I understand this.. but i just cant freaking stop!!! it just dont make sense..